
Alternaria leaf spot is a fungal disease in plants with various species belonging to the same genus. They have a variety of hosts infecting some of the most common garden plants.

Water promotes disease development and plants/leaves closer to the ground are more likely to be affected.


Plants Affected





Main Symptoms

Halos developed on the leaf surface

Necrotic areas

Abnormal leaf fall

One of the most relevant crops affected by this disease is the Brassica family, infected by the species Alternaria brassicae and Alternaria brassicicola.

How to Prevent

Allow enough space at planting time.

Irrigate in the morning to promote shorter periods of leaf wetness.

Control weeds as they often host plants for the pathogen.

Apply straw mulch.

Practice crop rotation.

Control Measures

Mulching of dry straw

Clean up fallen leaves to limit the number of spores in the soil

Copper fungicides

Bacillus subtilis (bio control)

Trichoderma harzianum (bio control)

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