
Peach Leaf Curl is a disease caused by a fungus that leads to severe distortion of the leaves. Shoots and fruits can be also occasionally affected.

It is the worst disease of the peach tree and the premature fall of infected leaves leads to the loss of its vigour and strength.


Plants Affected





Main Symptoms

Thickened and distorted leaves often red in color

Diseased leaves fall easily

Prevention is the best way to fight this disease. Plant feverfew (Tanacetum parthenium) or tansy (Tanacetum vulgare) near the trees.

How to Prevent

Build an inverted V cover 30 cm of the ground when the tree loses its leaves (November) until mid-May.

After leaf fall apply copper sulphate and sodium silicate at 4%.

At the end of February apply copper sulphate and sodium silicate at 2%.

Apply bordeaux mixture before flowering and after leaf fall.

Control Measures

Apply a strong decoction of absinthe and algae extract to strengthen the immunity of trees (nettle slurry can also be used).

Promptly remove the attacked leaves to reduce the fungus carried over to the following year.

Plant tansy near the trees (works also as a preventive method).

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